Doing Scary Things

If there’s anything I’ve learned as an entrepreneur, it’s that I have to get used to doing scary things. (eek!)

So much of this journey has been about putting myself out there, getting used to the unknown, throwing fire to the wind and seeing what sticks, and trusting my gut. I’m not gonna lie—it’s been terrifying! Yet, so incredibly rewarding at the same time and I wouldn’t have it any other way. (There’s the eternal optimist in me speaking!)

Doing scary things has taught me that I am resilient, that I will persevere, that I am a constant learner, that I have an amazing community behind me, and most importantly—that I will be okay. Doing scary things has been incredibly humbling and it has given me new perspective on facing fears and making change—and I've come out stronger for it!

If you’ll appease me for a moment… Think of that thing that’s been at the back of your mind. You know what I’m talking about—the idea or dream or desire you’ve had that you can’t quite seem to get rid of. That thing that just does not seem like a possibility right now (e.g. going back to school, starting a business, pursuing that passion project). It’s too busy, you don’t have the money, it seems completely and utterly unrealistic. OR, maybe it’s that thing that you know needs to change (e.g. leaving a toxic work environment, getting that promotion you deserved five years ago). Things cannot go on as they are. Something just has to give, but it seems impossible and too difficult. OR, maybe society has always told you that you can’t do it (e.g. changing careers, rising through the ranks at your company). It feels like you versus the world and imposter syndrome is alive and well.

Phew, that was a lot. Let’s take a moment to honor ourselves and where we're at.

Our situations and struggles are real and unique. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to these challenges. But, what we have in common is the opportunity to do scary things. I use the word “opportunity” here because it is a privilege to be able to do scary things—it means we are not beholden to our situation and that we can at least try to make change. Taking even the smallest step to move in the direction of what you want and deserve can be scary, but so worth it in the end! Professionally and personally.

Doing scary things—taking risks, pushing boundaries, facing fears, making change, putting yourself out there, speaking your truth—no one claims these things are easy. In fact, they are absolutely, 100% terrifying! But, I’m here to let you know that it’s okay and you’ll be okay. Don’t let fear scare you. Don’t let being scared cause fear. You’ve got this! It’s all about baby steps and staying true to yourself and your dreams and goals. Never let being scared keep you from going after all that you want in life.

What am I scared of?

I’m excited to share that I’m starting an email list for Elevate Social Impact! Think this newsletter + social impact insights, trends, and resources. Thought leadership, interviews, and tips + tricks as you build out your CSR team or pursue a job in social impact. But, I’m scared! I’m scared that no one will subscribe, I’m scared I won’t hit the mark with what people want to read, I’m scared that I’ll fall flat compared to the other *amazing* social impact newsletters already out there. But, I know I’ll be okay. I would be more scared if I sold myself short and didn't even give it a try. I’m going to do my best, put myself out there, and see what resonates!

What are you scared of? How are you going to face that fear?

If you’re interested in signing up for my email list (where I promise not to spam you!), you can subscribe here: Thank you!

#facingfears #makingchange #impostersyndrome #doscarythings #goafteryourdreams #entrepreneurship #socialimpact #csr


Lanes are for the road, not the office.


I learned to breathe this week.